
The iPhone is a line of smartphones developed and marketed by Apple that run iOS, the company's own mobile operating system. The first-generation iPhone was announced by then–Apple CEO Steve Jobs on January 9, 2007, at Macworld 2007, and launched later that year. Since then, Apple has annually released new iPhone models and iOS versions; the most recent models being the iPhone 16 and 16 Plus, and the higher-end iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max. As of January 1, 2024, more than 2.3 billion iPhones have been sold, making Apple the largest vendor of mobile phones in 2023.
The original iPhone was the first mobile phone to use multi-touch technology. Throughout its history, the iPhone has gained larger, higher-resolution displays, video-recording functionality, waterproofing, and many accessibility features. Up to the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, iPhones had a single button on the front panel, with the iPhone 5s and later integrating a Touch ID fingerprint sensor. Since the iPhone X, iPhone models have switched to a nearly bezel-less front screen design with Face ID facial recognition in place of Touch ID for authentication, and increased use of gestures in place of the home button for navigation.
The iPhone, which operates using Apple's proprietary iOS software, is one of the two major smartphone platforms in the world, alongside Android. The first-generation iPhone was described by Steve Jobs as a "revolution" for the mobile phone industry. The iPhone has been credited with popularizing the slate smartphone form factor, and with creating a large market for smartphone apps, or "app economy", laying the foundation for the boom of the market for mobile devices. In addition to the apps that come pre-installed on iOS, there are nearly 2 million apps available for download from Apple's mobile distribution marketplace, the App Store, as of August 2024.

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  1. Shortie

    iPhone General Will you be picking up the next new iPhone?

    If we go by previous years with Apple and the release of their iPhones, I would like to say that it may not be long before we see another announcement about a new iPhone coming soon. It's usually around September/October that you end up seeing something announced by Apple if they are going to...
  2. Shortie

    iPhone General What do you use your iPhone for most?

    If you have an iPhone, the main uses for it would be calls and texts and some web browsing as well but there are also a lot of other reasons why you could use your iPhone and what you would want to use it for as well. I have known people to work from their phones so I would imagine that could...
  3. Shortie

    iPhone General Do you pay for extra cloud storage on your iPhone?

    Something I noticed Apple do and much like even Google do with their service on iPhone is they tend to offer options to pay for extra cloud storage. I believe they start as low as about £0.99 in the UK where I live and then increase if you want more storage. The lowest option is not bad at all...
  4. Shortie

    iPhone General If you could change anything about iPhone, what would it be?

    It is no lie that the iPhone and Apple offer a lot of features when it comes to their iPhone devices and you may think there is not any other feature that you could think of that you would love to see on the iPhone. It may surprise you when you find out that some people do have ideas of...
  5. Shortie

    iPhone General What is your favourite app on iPhone?

    iPhone tends to have a lot of apps that are also available on places such as the Google Play Store as well but there are sometimes apps that you can only get on the Apple Store and not on any other store that may be your favourites due to them only being available on the iPhone. Do you have a...
  6. Shortie

    iPhone General Have you known your iPhone to overheat?

    This is not something I have known to see happen a lot with those who use iPhones but I have heard it has been a problem in the past for some, and that is overheating issues with the iPhone whether it be when charging or even when being kept in a pocket. Over the times I have used an iPhone, I...
  7. Shortie

    iPhone General Have you ever noticed connection issues on your iPhone?

    Something I have heard some complain about but it does not seem to be a regular problem is how people tend to have connection problems on their iPhones, sometimes when it comes to just being online or even with their network provider that they use. Is this something you have noticed when using...
  8. Shortie

    iPhone General Which OS does your iPhone currently have?

    Depending on the iPhone you have currently, you may have the latest OS but you may also have an older OS as well if your iPhone is a little older. At the moment, with the current iPhone that you have, which OS do you currently have on your phone? Are you able to still upgrade to the latest...
  9. Shortie

    iPhone General Have you ever had issues getting into your iPhone account?

    This has never been something I or even my kids when they have had iPhones have ever had issues with but I do know that some people have had issues in the past with gaining access to their iPhone account, especially when they get a new iPhone. Have you ever had an issue getting into your...
  10. Shortie

    iPhone General Do you find the face ID to be accurate on iPhone?

    If you are someone who uses face ID with your iPhone and uses it frequently then you will be aware of how accurate face ID is from Apple on their iPhone devices. If you have used face ID, how accurate have you found it to be on your iPhone?
  11. Shortie

    iPhone General Would you purchase a refurbished iPhone?

    Something I have noticed quite a lot of people tend to do is buy a refurbished iPhone from a store near them or even from somewhere like eBay with a 12-month warranty so that if anything goes wrong with the phone, you can get it dealt with within the first 12 months of purchase. Would you...
  12. Shortie

    iPhone General Have you used a wireless charger to charge your iPhone?

    Something I see a lot now is how some people tend to use wireless iPhone chargers to charge their phones instead of having issues with wires that they may have. I bought my daughter a wireless charger for her iPhone and as much as it does work, we found that it tends to charge a lot slower than...
  13. Shortie

    iPhone General How long do you find your iPhone charger lasts?

    When you buy a new iPhone, a charger is always provided within the box so that you are able to charge your new iPhone and keep it charged for regular use. I have in the past heard many people complain about the official iPhone chargers and how long it tends to last before it stops working or...
  14. Shortie

    iPhone General Has your iPhone ever overheated?

    We often hear so many stories that iPhones have overheated and either set something on fire or caused issues. I can't say that I have ever had any iPhone over heat but I do know it happens. Has your iPhone ever overheated?
  15. Shortie

    iPhone General Have you ever had issues with your iPhone charging cable?

    Something I noticed with iPhone chargers is that no matter what you do to try and get them to last and not become faulty, it still happens. Me and my daughter have gone through quite a lot of chargers over our time. Do you ever have issues with your iPhone charging cable?
  16. Shortie

    iPhone General Are you clumsy with your iPhone?

    When it comes to having an iPhone and any other phone as well, we all try and be as careful as we can be so that we do not drop our phone or damage it in any way. Some of us can be a little clumsy though and with that comes issues where we may drop our phone. Sometimes we are lucky and other...
  17. Shortie

    iPhone General Has your iPhone frozen on you?

    So something I hear about a lot is how people find that the iPhone can freeze from time to time. This is not always regular but it can be annoying when it happens. I have had it happen to me a few times with my iPhone and my daughter also has the same issue. Have you noticed any freezing...
  18. Shortie

    iPhone General Do you find that your iPhone lags?

    Something my daughter seems to have noticed when she has been using her iPhone is how sometimes, it tends to lag out on her and make it unusable for a small period of time. I have told her when it does it to turn her iPhone off and on again to see if it fixes the issue. Have you ever found...
  19. A

    Do you like watching movies on your iPhone?

    There's nothing you can't do with your iPhone. You can play or stream music on it or play video games too if you like playing mobile games. Another thing to do with is watch or stream movies or TV shows. Some would say iPhone screen is too small to watch movies on it. What do you think? Would...
  20. M

    What's your favorite iPhone 8 Plus colour?

    I never got to buy and use iPhone 8 Plus but my brother did and the iPhone looked so good. He's iPhone 8 Plus was red in color which made it look like it's customized. I was happy for him with the phone because I never saw any other iPhone 8 Plus with red colour.
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