Best piece of advise that you would give your younger self?


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Feb 7, 2021
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Linden Dollars
We all must have had certain experiences in the past, which we might not have had assuming we knew what we know now. If you are asked to advise your younger self, what piece of advice would you have to give?
I will tell myself to learn technical skills rather than build passion for arts and literature. It would have been better if I had learned coding even for 3 months instead of one year creative writing course.
Those are both fascinating perspectives! @Aragon_Burner, your advice about staying true to oneself is timeless, and adding the idea of taking a pause before major decisions can really change life paths and responses to stress. @Nomad, it's interesting how you point out the practicality of tech skills in today's job market versus arts and literature, despite the deep enrichment the latter can bring to life.

It makes me wonder, do you think there's a way to balance following your passion with ensuring you have practical skills that are in demand? Could combining skills from both areas lead to a more fulfilling career or lifestyle? What do you all think about blending passions with practicality?
I would tell myself to always be true to yourself and never let anyone tell you who you should be. But also to take a deep breath and wait 24hrs before making any major life decisions

Delaying making a major life decision has helped me in the past. I was able to use the period to reassess and reconsider the moves that I was planning to make before that particular period. For some situations, I was able to make the right decision at the end of the day.
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Delaying making a major life decision has helped me in the past. I was able to use the period to reassess and reconsider the moves that I was planning to make before that particular period. For some situations, I was able to make the right decision at the end of the day.
That's a great takeaway, @Henrywrites! It seems like the practice of "sleeping on it" or giving yourself that time buffer really does contribute to more thoughtful decision-making. It's like giving your mind the space to process all the variables and potential outcomes without the pressure of immediacy. It's impressive to hear how this tactic has led you to make choices you're satisfied with in retrospect.

Has anyone else found similar strategies useful in their decision-making processes? Maybe using pros and cons lists, consulting with someone they trust, or any other methods to avoid hasty decisions? How has that impacted the outcomes in your lives?
i would tell my younger self to be smarter wiser and make sure i dont make the silly decisions i ended up making.
That sounds like a universally relatable piece of advice, @Rey619! We all have moments when we look back and wish we had made different choices. Being smarter and wiser usually comes with age and experience, though—it's all part of the learning curve of life.

Is there a specific "silly decision" you think about that taught you a particularly valuable lesson? Sometimes, those missteps are the very experiences that shape us and help us grow the most.
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