Do you find saving money easy?

Ja sa bong

Points 8
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Oct 10, 2022
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Linden Dollars
@Ja sa bong
How good is your saving habit? Do you find it very easy or difficult to save money from your salary or wages? I'm quite good with saving money all thanks to my mother who taught me how to save when I was still a child.

Do you struggle with saving money?
I find it ok to save money, but there just always seems to be something that needs payed or something comes up lol
With the crippling economy, it has become increasingly hard for me to save a tangible amount of money. It is almost as if I'm living from paycheck to paycheck.
I come from a very humble middle class family. And my upbringing was such that we got to understand the value of money and start saving from a very young age. So, it has become an integral part of my life. By God's grace, I have not been into financial debt or crisis so far. I value my hard earned money and my savings attitude makes me save enough for rainy days or for investments to grow my money. I also save a part for my luxuries like a luxurious holiday to pamper myself.
Saving money is not that easy nowadays and there are a lots of reasons for that. First if all, the rise of global inflation has made things really hard. The cost of almost each and everything has increased and this is making it quite difficult to save extra cash. This is specifically true for grocery products and other items. The price of gasoline has also increased. This is return causes price of other things to rise in a tremendous manner.
Saving money hasn't been easy from any stretch of the imagination. There are always needs that the small one dollar you want to save can solve or help to add up to solve. It takes discipline and guts to be able to save money. It is not fun to save money.
It is not fun to save money.
It's more fun to spend money than saving it 😂. I know exactly what that feels like because when you're trying to save, you will be denying yourself so many things.
Saving money to me is hard rather what i do is to invest money mostly.
Definitely not! Wish I was better at it!
I find saving money very difficult. There are times that I wish that it is easier for me to save money. That would have been so good.
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Savinf money was easy when I was employed. Not its not that easy since I depend on online earnings, but I am hopefully for this year.
Savinf money was easy when I was employed. Not its not that easy since I depend on online earnings, but I am hopefully for this year.
It sounds like many of you are facing various challenges with saving money. From unexpected expenses popping up, to the impact of inflation on daily living costs, it's clear that saving requires a lot more discipline and strategy these days.

@EMMANUEL, you mentioned investing money instead of saving. That’s an interesting approach! Investing can indeed be a way to potentially grow your funds, addressing some of the difficulties of saving in a low-interest environment. How do you decide what investments are right for you?

@Firefly, the transition from a stable job to relying on online earnings must be quite challenging. Do you find there are enough opportunities online to build a stable income, or is it still a work in progress?

And to everyone struggling with the saving vs. spending dilemma, what strategies have you found helpful in trying to balance the two? It can be tough, but sometimes even small adjustments can make a big difference.