Do you often eat out?

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Dec 12, 2020
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Linden Dollars
Eating out can be quite an enjoyable experience for you, as well as your friends and/or family. Personally, however, I haven't had a meal in a restaurant in ages. Do you eat out often?
All our restaurants are closed here in the UK at the moment because of the pandemic but I always ate out once a week when they were open and I will again when they reopen. I love someone cooking for me and having no washing up at the end of it.
I love to eat out but due to lockdown i can't. Hopefully this pandemic will end soon so that we can come back to a normal life.
I also haven't eaten outside in ages, it's quite expensive and a hassle since you would still have to bother with dressing up to go out to eat. Home delivery is better.
The last time I ate out at a restaurant was in early 2015 with my mum and grandma, it was for a carvery and it was very enjoyable but it can be costly to eat out. I don't tend to eat out too often if at all now due to how much it costs to be able to eat out. Sometimes it's better to either make the food yourself or order from a takeaway and have it delivered or pick it up, especially if they do discounts or offers as well.
Eating in Restaurants has never given me any satisfaction. I haven't been out for a meal for maybe 10 years. Order food in!
Not really. I have found it cost effective to prepare my meals by myself at home instead of going out to eat at restaurants.
The last time I went out to eat was on new year's eve. I don't eat out too frequently, probably once a month.
Yes, I do eat out in restaurants. There are many restaurants in my city and the field of restaurants is getting really saturated in my city. Having said that, not all kinds of restaurants are equal in my city. Some of them do offer high-quality and hygienic food. However, those restaurants are pretty expensive.
No, I don't eat out often because I love homemade food more. It gives me more than what I could ever get from eating restaurant foods.
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No, I don't eat out often because I love homemade food more. It gives me more than what I could ever get from eating restaurant foods.

The fact of the matter remains that homemade food could be really delicious. However, in many cases, homemade food may not be that delicious or professionally made. Under such circumstances, it is always a good idea to make sure that you eat food at a great restaurant that makes food in a hygienic manner.
i have been eating out too much lately.
Eating out in restaurants all the time is not a really good thing until or unless you are eating out in a restaurant that prepares hygienic food. I used to live with roommates in a foreign country and we used to eat out in restaurants all the time. Fortunately, restaurants in those countries used to prepare hygienic foods.
By default, I prefer to cook at home. It is cheaper and safer for me to eat at home. However, if I am on a job related journey outside my domain, I have no option but to eat out.
The fact of the matter remains that homemade food could be really delicious. However, in many cases, homemade food may not be that delicious or professionally made. Under such circumstances, it is always a good idea to make sure that you eat food at a great restaurant that makes food in a hygienic manner.
There's a big difference when you know how to cook. When do, it's going to be more than professional in my experience which is why I don't and will never choose restaurant meals over my home cooked foods.
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I enjoy eating at home most of the time. I have never enjoyed eating out. I would rather make the meals that I wish to have at my place instead of eating out.
I like eating at home, but I do eat out every once in a while.
I like eating at home, but I do eat out every once in a while.
It's really interesting to see the variety of meal preferences and practices here! Whether it’s the comfort and control of cooking at home or the exploration and convenience of dining out, everyone has their unique approach. For those of you who often cook at home, what are your favorite dishes to prepare? And for those who dine out, are there particular types of cuisine or restaurants you find yourselves returning to?