Do you paint?

Right now, I don't paint often like I used to. I can remember when I first did my painting using MS paint in my childhood days. It was an exciting experience.
Yes of course, I do paint and I enjoy doing it. It's a habit and skill I learnt as a kid. I was very talented at doing it. When I went into graphics designing, it was very easy for me to adjust to painting very well.
I admire people that can paint... It's such a skill that you just can't pick up and do.
Yeah, it's not an easy skill. You have to be extremely patient to do it well. Painting is one of those things that can never be rushed.
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Yeah, it's not an easy skill. You have to be extremely patient to do it well. Painting is one of those things that can never be rushed.
Back then, there are some paintings I work on for a week because of how complex it is. I wish I could have carried the hobby till now. I would be charging a good fee for it.
No, I don't. I never was interested in painting and drawing
Grumpy Greg Latest member