How Many Forums Do You Own

Dec 13, 2020
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Linden Dollars
Currently, I am running two forums. One is 2 years old and another one is 4 years old. The one that is 4 years old was shut down for a long time and I recently brought it back. I have no intention to run the forums that I am running these days and as soon as I find buyers I will sell them and then start a new one.
I own 1 forum, I could not run more than 1.
I have a theology one and I might set up another for music because I have this domain with good backlinks, but nothing super-powerful.
I currently only own one forum, and I’m staff on three other forums.

I have no plans to launch another forum anytime soon.
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None right now but have run a few in the past. I'm either an admin or moderator on sites.
At the moment only one, and it will stay that way. I have no interest to handle more than that and even promoting this one is hard for me. It's either that I suck at it, or I lack knowledge.
I do wish to own my forum one day, but for now I do not own any. I am still learning the dynamics of forum ownership and administration.
At the moment only one, and it will stay that way. I have no interest to handle more than that and even promoting this one is hard for me. It's either that I suck at it, or I lack knowledge.
What’s your favorite forum? Have you been adding it to directories or promoting some of your forum topics on social media?
One, and it's currently closed. It may or may not return.
What’s your favorite forum? Have you been adding it to directories or promoting some of your forum topics on social media?
Well, clearly mine (even I have only one member so far xD ). But I didn't use social media such as fb. Will focus more on this soon enough.
I had a forum but let it go due to costs and time restraints. I have been a staff member (head mod/co admin) on another forum. I also filled in as a mod on other forums when staff were not available. (illnesses, vacations etc.)
I currently don't own any forum but I hope to have one in the future maybe when I will have the time to manage it very well because now, I don't have the time.
So, SWC is carrying two forums inside its belly. :P
SWC is literally pregnant 🤰. When is it going to be due?

I've only owned one forum. It was a football forum but it's no longer active.
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