Making a Living from Programming


50 Posts 100 Posts 200 Posts
Jun 20, 2020
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Linden Dollars
Who has considered it? Who does it? Do you feel it's worth it? How about the demand and competition?

O.K., programming seems to be one of those things where - you don't necessarily need a degree, you can just show people you can do it. Well, I think that's often the case.
I was making a living as a Java programmer (worked for a company that made loan origination software for banks using Java + Spring + Velocity, with HTML + CSS + Bootstrap framework), the pay was great, but I had to give it up to take care of my mother full time. I'd go back to it, it's not a particularly fun job, per se, but it's a well-paying job that, with the right people, could be very rewarding (and I don't just mean financially).
It is an amazing sector to go into if you are good at it. Even if you're a beginner, you can easily get into coding without a lot of financial investment and you can start with a decent job as well. Like you mentioned, sometimes it's not about the degree but more about the experience/knowledge
Another thing good to get into is math - cause you can tutor it. However, coding might be easier to get into - cause I think the employers are less tight with the degree qualifications - but I could be wrong.
Programming is lucrative job if you are good at it. But. It's also a bit tedious task I guess. But, I have met people who enjoy doing it too.

You also need to keep updating yourself as programming languages/platforms keep evolving, going out of vogue etc.
I have considered it and decided I would do it. I'm working on getting a job as a developer as we speak. It is difficult but I am hoping I have one soon. I'm waiting to hear back from 4 different places right now so there is hope. I'm just going to keep trying until I get one.
I have considered it and decided I would do it. I'm working on getting a job as a developer as we speak. It is difficult but I am hoping I have one soon. I'm waiting to hear back from 4 different places right now so there is hope. I'm just going to keep trying until I get one.
Best of luck with your endeavor! May be we would see you as co-founder of some BigSoft! (y)
It's not that hard to make a living using programming alone.
Still, you need to be efficient and optimize the code to save time and money. Usually, when people couldn't get into a big company, they try to start their carrier in a small company.
After getting some experience, then they will try to look for more offers.
It can be a slow progress but as long as you have the passion to pursue programming career, it's not that hard.
I work as a freelancer creating websites based on WordPress.
Another thing good to get into is math - cause you can tutor it. However, coding might be easier to get into - cause I think the employers are less tight with the degree qualifications - but I could be wrong.
Math or English is easy to tutor. I am applying to be an English teacher.
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This is my dream. I'm planning on teaching myself how to code, and get into cyber security or something of that sort.
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