Night Gaming


Feb 7, 2019
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Linden Dollars
Do you like to play video game till night? If so, how much time do you spend at night gaming? Do you manage to get enough sleep the day after and do you think it's good for your health?

I usually go to sleep at 2 AM and 3-4 AM during the weekends. I just enjoy gaming and sometimes movies at night. But that is not good because sometimes I don't get enough sleep.
Nope, playing video games at night isn't meant for me. I've tried to force myself playing in the night, all I ended up achieving was sleeping off on the game. Since then, once it's 10 pm, I'm done playing for the day.
When I bough a smartphone for the first time, it has candy crush. I found the game to be so addictive that I ended up playing until 4-5 in the morning. These days I don't play games past midnight.
Candy crush is the most addictive game my sister couldn't stop playing. She wouldn't remember to cook because of this game.
When I bough a smartphone for the first time, it has candy crush. I found the game to be so addictive that I ended up playing until 4-5 in the morning. These days I don't play games past midnight.
I totally get that! I’ve been addicted to games before too—Hearthstone and four-player chess. I game at night, but I try not to let it get too late.
These days I do not do late night gaming but I still do binge watching until in the morning. :D
There's nothing much needed to be done when watching movies and TV shows at night compared to playing video games at the time. It's why seeing a movie is easier.
I was so addicted to playing night games as a kid. I mostly played at night when I was under 20. Immediately, I grew above that age with minimal responsibilities coming up, I know it was time to plan my life better, and I always go to bed at worse 1 am each time I was gaming.
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