What’s Your Go-To Multiplayer Game?

At the moment, my go-to multiplayer game is Fortnite. Loving the updates they are making at the moment.
Mini Militia with my friends hit different honestly. It is like a therapy for me playing the game together with my homies.
OVerwatch is my favourite game most especially its multiplayer mode. I like all of the heroes’ multicolored skins. And because of this, the game is perfect for group games since it involves great strategy and planning with your team.
I'm a fan of the Rocket League. I enjoy that moment when I score a goal from the most ridiculous of positions, or I make a great save. However, the game design is simple to learn and hard to master which is the truth.
Apex Legends is a very interesting game for me. The gameplay is very strategic that is what makes it very challenging. And because of this, it is so entertaining to play with friends.
Grumpy Greg Latest member