Health & Lifestyle Which Corona Virus Vaccine Have You Taken?

Dec 13, 2020
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Linden Dollars
There are a lot of Corona Virus vaccines available in the market. The experts believe that the efficacy of all of these vaccines is above 90 percent. I took a Vero Cell jab (Sinopharm COVID-19) manufactured by China. In our country, Vero Cell was easily available compared to other vaccines as China is the next-door neighbor.

Which Corona Virus jab have you taken?
I have taken none of these experimental jabs.

My immune system is strong due to:

Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin and Grape Seed Extract (taking it over 25 yrs).

No colds, flu or sickness in my life for probably 20-30 yrs.
There are a lot of Corona Virus vaccines available in the market. The experts believe that the efficacy of all of these vaccines is above 90 percent. I took a Vero Cell jab (Sinopharm COVID-19) manufactured by China. In our country, Vero Cell was easily available compared to other vaccines as China is the next-door neighbor.

Which Corona Virus jab have you taken?
I have had the Pfizer vaccine no problems at all
Hope it stays that way, amazing the millions that took so many experimental jabs in the dark.
I had the Pfizer vaccine both times and now waiting for the booster shot.
We have to pick between taking it or not working.
1st Pfizer shot, late Oct. 2021
2nd Pfizer shot, Thanksgiving 2021
Webster, you were in the initial crowd lined up to take the jabs. Any issues, breakthru virus etc. No booster for you.

I'd never change my mind on taking these experimental drugs. And oh how govt pushes them,
I took the first 2 Pfizer shots. I wont be gettting any more. I did get Covid recently, so with the 2 i had, and now natural anti bodies i will be fine.
SLBiz2Life: Second Life business advertising
I took the first 2 Pfizer shots. I wont be gettting any more. I did get Covid recently, so with the 2 i had, and now natural anti bodies i will be fine.

Hope you are up on your Vit D levels, important...Vit C too and my favorite is Grape Seed Extract and can't say enough about these.
Hope you are up on your Vit D levels, important...Vit C too and my favorite is Grape Seed Extract and can't say enough about these.
I am fine and pretty healthy overall. The new variant (omni whatever its called) is about teh same as the seasonal flu, i had it recently. I dont normally get sick at all, the occasional cold and thats it. I dont need more shots of anything.
I'm not talking about more shots, I'm talking about keeping healthy. I have not had a cold in 30 yrs or so... Glad I do w hat I do, and could be too you are mega years younger than me. My 2 grandkids 22 and 25 do some supplements already....
Webster, you were in the initial crowd lined up to take the jabs. Any issues, breakthru virus etc. No booster for you.
Other than a little soreness around the shot site (right upper shoulder) nothing of note.

Also got my seasonal flu the same time I got my first Covid shot; earlier I can get a booster shot is late April.
Currently take 1000 IU of Vitamin D once daily and 500mg of Vitamin C once daily.
SLBiz2Life: Second Life business advertising
Astra Zeneca first two and the pfizer for my booster. after the first my arm ached for about four days..other than problems
I had the Pfizer vaccine as well for all three of them (the two doses and the booster). My parents got a mix of them so I'm not sure if they were trying to make sure the younger people got the same vaccine for all three.
A recent video from Dr. Hotze and Dr. Tenpenny who are Experts in all vaccines, continue to mention, the more doses one continues to put in their bodies the more one becomes Genetically Modified. I believe I posted their video here and if I didn't I will.....

One of my favorite people on the radio and he's done a couple jabs, has gotten 2 break thru covid cases and is using all the other medicines like Ivermectin etc to heal this second outbreak.
astra zenica , psfiser and next one who knows plus sorry i cant spell take pity on me!
A recent video from Dr. Hotze and Dr. Tenpenny who are Experts in all vaccines, continue to mention, the more doses one continues to put in their bodies the more one becomes Genetically Modified. I believe I posted their video here and if I didn't I will.....

One of my favorite people on the radio and he's done a couple jabs, has gotten 2 break thru covid cases and is using all the other medicines like Ivermectin etc to heal this second outbreak.
Grumpy Greg Latest member